Our ASPCA Contribution Pledge

Join us in advocating for abused and neglected animals and make a difference with EyeBreakfast Cosmetics.

At EyeBreakfast Cosmetics, our commitment goes beyond providing you with fun and affordable cosmetics. We genuinely care about the welfare and rights of animals who have suffered abuse and neglect. We strive to be their voice, championing their cause and working towards a better future for them.

How can you contribute to this important cause? By choosing EyeBreakfast Cosmetics as your go-to source for eye shadows, eyeliners, and other eye cosmetics. With every purchase you make, you directly support our mission to help abused and neglected animals.

Here's how we make a positive impact: We allocate 10% of our profit from your purchase, and at the end of each year, we donate 10% of our total profits to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Through this partnership, we actively participate in the fight against animal cruelty, ensuring that your support reaches those who need it the most.

To learn more about the incredible work done by the ASPCA and the difference your contribution can make, please visit their website: https://www.aspca.org/about-us.

Together, let's raise awareness, stand against animal cruelty, and be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Join the EyeBreakfast Cosmetics community today and make a compassionate choice that impacts lives.