
Finding Your Perfect Match: Th...

Finding Your Perfect Match: The Art of Testing Foundation Shades

We've all been there, standing in front of a dizzying array of foundation shades, wondering which one will give us that flawless finish. How can you be sure you're investing in a product that complements your natural beauty? With the rising influence of anime, manga, and cosplay, everyone wants a foundation that makes their skin look as immaculate as their favorite characters. Don't worry, you're not alone. I remember my first foray into the world of foundation—it was like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube, with every twist and turn leading to more confusion. But, there’s got to be a


way to test foundations on your skin, right?

The Usual Suspects

Many people make the mistake of swatching foundation on the back of their hand. But let's be honest, how often is your hand the same shade as your face? Not very often! Your hand usually gets less sun exposure, and its skin texture is different from that of your face.

The Jawline Technique

I often advise testing foundation shades along the jawline. It's a transitional area that has a balance between the lighter skin of your face and the darker skin of your neck. Take a small amount of the foundation and blend it out along your jawline. For this test you can simply use your finger or opt for a

searchfoundation brush


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. Stand back and check it in natural light. A well-matched foundation will blend seamlessly, leaving no lines of demarcation.

The Three-Stripe Test

Another useful technique is the "Three-Stripe Test." Swipe three different shades in vertical stripes down your cheek and toward your jawline. The shade that vanishes into your skin without much blending is your ideal match. This technique also allows you to see how the foundation undertones play with your natural coloring.

The Inner Wrist Test

For those interested in anime, manga, and cosplay, your makeup demands might be a bit more specialized. If you're looking for a foundation that can translate well under different lighting situations, try the inner wrist test. This area of your skin is generally lighter but can give you a good indication of how the foundation will perform under various light conditions. Again, make sure you test in natural lighting conditions.


Picking the right foundation shouldn't be like deciphering a complex manga plot. A little know-how goes a long way, and you'll be well on your way to achieving that flawless look in no time. EyeBreakfast Cosmetics offers a wide range of shades that you are bound to find your perfect match from. If you want to learn more about foundations and how to achieve a natural foundation look, check out my article

Achieving a Natural Foundation Look: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Flawless Skin


For some foundation recommendations that match your skin tone, I refer you to our makeup expert Simi:

Simi's paw print
To find your purr-fect foundation pick the shade the most closely matches your skin color :

Also check out EyeBreakfasts’ full selection of



Remember, makeup is a form of self-expression. It can be as minimal or as dramatic as you like. Take your time to find the right foundation, and you'll build a solid base for any look you choose to create. Keep an eye out for more engaging articles and how-tos that will guide you on your journey to makeup mastery.