
Time to Shake Up Your Makeup R...

Time to Shake Up Your Makeup Routine!

Are you stuck in a beauty rut, endlessly repeating the same makeup routine day after day? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. When it comes to makeup, change can be both thrilling and intimidating, but who says you can't have a little fun while switching things up? Whether you're a newbie or a makeup aficionado, we all have room to grow and transform. Let's go on a beauty adventure together and find you some new looks! As always, I will take you through basic steps on the subjects I am providing advice for. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Start With a Clean Canvas

Before you apply anything, it's essential to have a clear and clean face. This is the foundation for everything that follows. Don't just scrub with water; use a

gentle cleanser

to get rid of any impurities. A cleanser I like to use is

. These are easy to use. Just grab a tissue and wipe gently on your face and toss. These will help set the tone for your makeup application.

Why It's Important:

Starting with a clean face will ensure your makeup goes on smoothly. Also, it helps in reducing the chances of clogged pores and breakouts.

Step 2: Prime Your Skin

If you've never used


before, you're missing out. It prepares your skin for makeup application and makes your makeup last longer. I have started using this primer this week

e.l.f. Soothing Face Primer
e.l.f. Soothing Face Primer
$6.3010% off
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and absolutely love the results. It’s infused with aloe very and vitamin e and leaves my skin feeling like a baby’s cheek. I’m actually wearing this primer right now as I write this article!

Why It's Important:

Priming helps your makeup stay put throughout the day and provides a smooth surface for foundation and other cosmetic products.

Step 3: Try a New Color Palette

Have you been sporting the same eyeshadow hues for years? I used to use the same eye shadow for years and it wasn’t until my friend commented on my look and told me I would look good in green eye shadow so I tried it, and felt like a new girl and was surprisingly wowed at the results. Step out of your comfort zone and experiment with some bold colors or new colors you haven't tried before. Try opposite colors. If you’re used to wearing red try green ; orange, try blue and so on. I would recommend

It has a combo of warm and cool tones you can chose from. I love their Aqua-Green tone and am also wearing this color now!

If you’re into anime and manga, try rocking a

eyeshadow palette

that reflects your favorite character? Or try EyeBreakfast Cosmetics

Anime-Inspired Palettes

which offer a vibrant range of colors to suit your fandom.

Why It's Important:

Trying out new colors can drastically change your look and open up new avenues for creativity and help you add a little pep in your step! Or if you’re into anime, help you slay demons like Mitsuri!

Step 4: Experiment with Eyeliner Techniques

Remember the first time you tried winged


and it looked like you drew it on with a crayon? We've all been there. The beauty of makeup is in its flexibility and the power it has to transform us. How about a smudged, smokey look or a bold graphic liner? You can achieve both with

Why It's Important:

Mastering different eyeliner styles can add a dynamic element to your look and elevate your makeup game.

Step 5: Don't Forget the Lips

Changing your lip color can make a world of difference. If you usually go for matte, why not try a gloss? If you always wear red, maybe it's time to experiment with coral or peach. Check out

EyeBreakfast Cosmetics' Lipstick Range

for some new hues to make those lips pop.

Why It's Important:

Your choice of lip color can make your makeup look entirely new and is a quick and easy change to make. Try a new color and see how it makes you feel.

Don't be afraid to switch things up; sometimes change is exactly what we need to feel rejuvenated. Remember, makeup is not just about beauty; it’s about expressing who you are and who you aspire to be. So, feel confident in your choices and most importantly, have fun with it.

Be sure to check back for more exciting articles and how-tos at EyeBreakfast. Your next beauty escapade awaits!